Hess Sound – Our Story

35 years

of experience makes the difference

Peter Hess – pioneer of working with sound

Inspired by the healing power of sounds Peter Hess encountered during his travels to Nepal, he founded sound massage with singing bowls in 1984. In 1989, together with his then wife Jozina Hess-de Korte, he began to produce his own singing bowls, which they subjected to the highest quality criteria.

Jana Hess – second generation management

The distribution of the high-quality Peter Hess® Singing Bowls is managed today by daughter Jana Hess as the second generation of leadership. At Hess Sound she has been responsible for the sale of singing bowls, gongs and many other products for sound massage and working with sound for over 20 years. In 2019, she took over the company from her mother Jozina Hess-de Korte. Jana advises and supplies sound enthusiasts worldwide.

Since her childhood, Jana Hess has been closely associated with the family business, accompanying her father to trade fairs and sound massage seminars from an early age. In her design studies she received further creative impulses. Until today, the company benefits from her fresh, modern approaches.

“We are constantly evolving and we have many ideas that we want to implement little by little. We are thinking a lot about how to make our products and processes more and more sustainable. The team is growing and we love our connection to sound enthusiasts in Germany, Europe and the rest of the world.”

Jana Hess

Own Singing Bowls

From the beginning, it was important to Peter Hess in the production of new singing bowls to combine tradition with modernity, to create fair working conditions on site and to support his second home of choice Nepal. This remains a central concern of Peter Hess® Singing Bowl manufacturing to this day.

With his work, Peter Hess has positively influenced the lives of many people and written a success story: His sound methods are heard in various fields of work from wellness and prevention to education and counseling to therapy and healing

Peter Hess® Academies

At the Peter Hess® Institute and Peter Hess® Seminar Centers in Germany as well as at more than 20 Peter Hess® Academies worldwide, people are trained in working with sound.

Fair working conditions

Many of our products such as singing bowls and gongs are manufactured in the countries of origin Nepal and India. We pay particular attention to good working conditions during production. Among other things, it is important to us that

  • a fair salary is paid
  • no children work in the workshops
  • we financially support the craftsmen and women in case of illness and weddings.

Furthermore, we try to have as many products as possible, such as mallets and other accessories manufactured in Germany.


In addition to the durability of our products, we work to consume as few resources as possible. It is a matter close to our hearts to completely do without plastic in the long term. We are trying to embed sustainability more and more in every one of our corporate actions.

For our products, we try to use natural and renewable raw materials as much as possible. We are also expanding our range to include vegan products. With an online shop, you have to deal with a lot of packaging material. We have given special thought to this issue and continue to look for ecological alternatives and ways to reduce the amount of packaging.

Measures implemented so far include:

  • The packaging material is mostly reused or recycled, e.g. we use cushioning pillows made from shredded old unusable cardboard boxes.
  • When shipping, we avoid using plastic as much as possible. We reuse the plastic bags that we need for shipping from manufacturing so that the goods are protected from salt water and corrosion when transported by sea.
  • In our shipping department, we use paper tape instead of plastic tape, as well as paper padding and starch packaging flakes.
  • We are also switching to digital media step by step. Our catalog can be viewed and downloaded online and is now only sent in printed form on request. Whenever possible, we have material printed climate-neutrally and on recycled paper in Germany.

Social commitment

We support the association CHANCEN – Education in Nepal. The aim of the association is the promotion of charitable purposes and development cooperation in Nepal with a focus on education and youth welfare.

In cooperation with the non-profit organization “Boris Hess Foundation” in Bhaktapur, named after Jana’s brother Boris who died in 2013, and other non-profit organizations in Nepal, the aim is to provide free education, shelter, food and adequate health care, especially for underprivileged children. More info at: www.chancen-nepal.de